Monday, November 23, 2009

Educate to Innovate

So as of today; Monday November 23, 2009 our President will speak about a campaign that will focus on certain organizations and groups that will help dedicated their time and money onto encouraging young kids to “pursue science, technology and math.”

Now there is nothing wrong with education, by no means. But I have more of a problem with the focus of this educational matter being more towards science and math classes. I myself am very interested in science and I do prefer it over all the other core classes but I feel that it is, in way, kind of degrading for History and Literate classes. Why most we focus more on Science and Math? Why specifically those two? Why not History and English? Are those two better than the others?

I know that it is a wonderful thing to be advancing in technology because that is what we need in society today and the way to get there is to focus more on math and science. But honestly history is just as important. If we had a world so advanced in science and then we had a bunch of dumb people who knew nothing about history and ends up letting history repeat itself a million times over to the point were we’re in the tenth depression in about two decades… we’re screwed. The same goes with English. Let’s live in the United States of America and be the only nation who had knows little about our own language and grammar than any other nation in the world. I wonder how far that will get us.

It sounds like I am really hounding this subject, but like I said I have nothing wrong with Math and Science, I just feel that people are now expected to know more about Science and Math then the other core classes. I believe that no one should feel any pressure to focus on anything and we should do whatever it is that makes us happy. There are plenty of people out there who are extremely brilliant in those fields but it takes time to invent something magnificent. Having a bunch of people who are interested in the same thing or who have only study the same thing would have to damage the economy in some way. There would be no balance and something would have to go wrong in the long run.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Abortion... Yes or No?

I agree with you that abortion should not become illegal. My reason for this is what if someone ended up getting raped and got pregnant? I would fully support that person getting an abortion if she wanted one. In the case if someone who was just being careless and stupid and ended up getting pregnant, I also feel that they have the right to have an abortion because what if this person is unable to care for a child right now? Would you want to know that the child is suffering greatly because their parent could support them? But at the same time I feel that there should be a time limit in a pregnancy where one can deem if it is not okay to have an abortion. I full support having an abortion within the first trimester but when you start getting to the second, that’s when I get a little iffy. And for the third trimester I would say you gone this far already you might as well have. None the less by this point in time the child is pretty much fully developed. I also agree with you, Nicole, on how you feel about President Obama’s remark about abortion. I just feel like what he had to say was extremely, poorly put together. When I read it I had to go back and read it a couple of more times to see if he really associated opposing aborting with terrorism. I personally support abortion to the end and I’m glad to see how respectful you are of other people’s opinions in you post.